YouTuber uploads Gta V video without setting an age limit for the video?


I would have a question anyway, since I recently saw a certain "paluten" that its content refers to younger viewers, so Minecraft videos always come. However, there are also Gta V videos in between, as most of you should probably know, Grand Theft Auto V is released in Germany from the age of 18. So since it is adult content, he would have to add an age limit for the video, but this is not the case. If you look at the profiles of the people in the comments or the channels of them, you quickly notice that there are a lot of children watching the video and I can't really imagine that the parents allow it.


And your question is which one exactly?
If it bothers you, report it to YouTube and they will take appropriate action if you think it is necessary.


I don't understand that either. The videos are also "advertising-friendly"… If something like this is not taken into account, the whole USK label is completely meaningless in my opinion.


And now? It's still the parents' job to pay attention to what the kids do on the internet


If nothing is shown in the video that is only released after 18, it may be because of it. He doesn't set the age limit because it's not worth it for his viewers.


You can report the video yes.

But I don't think that makes any sense: after all, people just look at it and don't play themselves, and they don't go into a blood rush either.

That's why YouTube probably allows it.


Maybe the headline, where the actual question is already? First look…


What is there for the YouTube function "Set age restriction for the video"


You can easily answer that with "yes". Not only Paluten but about 50 other Youtubers upload GTA 5 videos. As long as no acts of violence or sexual acts are practiced there, this is also ok.


But the game is already 18 years old


Yes, because some possible content is shown that is not suitable for children. If these are not shown, the game is not worse than Sims etc.


Let's put it this way, in this case there's the report button.

Or tell him in advance if you want to be nice.


This only happens when violence or insults etc. Occur.