How do you permanently get half a heart in Minecraft 1.12.2 with a command?
At the beginning enter the command / gamerule commandBlockOutput false if you did that you get a command block or you do it in chat then you enter this here
/ replaceitem entity @a slot.armor.head minecraft: iron_helmet 1 0 {display: {Name: "HEARTLESS HELMET", Lore: ["WEAR ON HEAD", "DO NOT REMOVE"]}, AttributeModifiers: [{AttributeName: " generic.maxHealth ", Name:" generic.maxHealth ", Amount: -19, Operation: 0, UUIDMost: 1741, UUIDLeast: 358403}], ench: [{id: 51, lvl: 1}], Unbreakable: 1}
Dabke;) will try it tomorrow;)
But the only thing is that you get an iron helmet that you can't take off but that shouldn't be a problem.
Could you tell me how to do it with gold shoes?
slot.armor.foot does not work;
It works!