Question specifically for autistic people or people with extreme preferences?


I have a question for people with autism or who have special interests. I know some and they have no problems with it so far. They know their topics well and can talk about them all the time.

Only with me is it somehow different. I really enjoy playing Minecraft, but I don't dare google anything for the following reason:

Envy! I'm afraid if I get jealous of those who post good posts or videos that I come across. Because they know better than I do. I mean, it's not like I've been playing Minecraft since yesterday, but have been playing Minecraft for six months. And there you have to be able to do something. I just can't compare myself to other minecrafters for fear that I'm the noob against it, which of course I don't want to be. Recently played with someone in multiplayer and found that I'm not that good at all. But it's not that I regret it. I want to know what level I'm at, but also to be happy to be there.

Now the question, how do you do it in order to become good and happy in a preference, even if everything is not as you imagine it?


I change hobby because if I'm not my best, it's no fun. Playing a game is not a special interest, but knowing everything about a game.


I'm not autistic but I'm a big history nerd and don't worry too much about people who are just as good or better than me, because such people are almost always there, no matter how good you are and therefore you shouldn't worry do. The main thing is that you have fun doing your job and it's great to meet other people who share your passion, even if they are better, and you will get better over time, especially since six months of Minecraft are not that much. Are there people who have been gambling for a decade


Well, actually, you are almost never the best in anything because there's always someone better.


That is why you specialize in a certain genus of diatoms, because if you are the only one, you are automatically the best.


Well, that's mostly boring, because there's very little information on such small topics. It's easy to get through there


You will be denied the diagnosis in a moment * ditsch * Diatoms are not a bit boring! XD

That was just an example. There's always a lot more information than you can take in, just not on the Internet. You have to inquire at scientific libraries. And then of course you become a marine biologist.


OK. The main thing is that you find it exciting, then everything is fine. But I would advise you to make your choice of hobby dependent on whether you are the best or on the passion you feel for the hobby


I have a deep passion for every nerdy specialty. That's what I do best: be a specialist in something within a week.

But playing a game is not a special interest, find something sensible. Mushrooms that grow on toads or black matter or string theory or the representation of women in Eastern European science fiction literature up to 1990 …


I'm not the questioner. Have never played this game and would never call any game my special interest. I'm a passionate history nerd who always deals with different epochs and people in history. Also sometimes with not so well-known topics like the Gallic Empire.


I've never heard of the Gallic Empire, but I've never heard of foraminifera either. History alone interests me, however, currently the history of the USA in the 19th century.


Yeah, I've never heard of foraminifera and the USA in the 19th century is a really exciting topic.


By the way, I came up with it from a computer game that is set in the Wild West, XD