What do you need for a LAN party?


I have a LAN party on Saturday and we're then including 6 people. Unfortunately I only have one LAN switch on my modem. Do I somehow need an adapter now? And on Steam my download rate is 6Mbp / s. Is that enough so that we can play Gta, Cs go or minecraft without lag? What else do i need?


Nen switch with at least 7 ports. Or hold 6 free on the router.

And enough kabellei. In particular power cables to distribute the computers on possibly different phases. (Depending on what kind of hell machines you show up with. XD)

Games that you can play together also make sense. Especially what you can only play in the LAN.

Drinks and food for the time.

Any software for distributing data also makes sense. The windoof approval is for a bum.


First of all, make sure that your electricity network is not overloaded.

Otherwise it won't work with the LAN party.

How far is the router from your PC? And how many LAN ports does your router have? Maybe you don't need the switch.

You don't actually need much for the LAN party. As long as everyone brings their PC / laptop and the necessary peripherals + cables, everything works.

Your internet should be enough for gaming for the LAN party. With GTA, the ping could be a little higher than usual. If necessary, you simply kick the Wi-Fi devices that you don't currently need out of the Wi-Fi.


Okay thanks! Which LAN switch do you recommend? According to Speedtest I have a download of 47.61Mbps (although it is even higher on Steam) and an upload of 2.90 Mbps. My ping is 8. Is that enough?


What do you mean by phases? And I think the best PC has an Rtx 2070 Super with a Ryzen 5 3600. So now it doesn't draw a lot of electricity.


If you have a LAN switch, you don't need a new one. And if your router has 6 LAN ports, then neither.

In principle, I would recommend Cisco switches. But they usually cost a lot of money and the surcharge is not particularly worthwhile for private individuals.

Actually, you can take pretty much any switch because you can get one. It's best to take a look around the corner in retail stores.

Otherwise, look here https://geizhals.de/...roductlist


I should have said backups.

For sockets that can be attached to a fuse, you can attach 3.6 kW. Then it flies out to you.

But consider that there are certainly other devices hanging in the house dranne.

And as a tip: the monitor and the computer draw a large amount of electricity very briefly when the power strip is switched on. Possibly. Power the computers one after the other.

We once had a party and the fuses flew and we had to power the computers one after the other. Supply because otherwise it flew immediately.


So if you all play online it can be e.g. GTA loads a little longer but that should grab your net, especially if you are playing in a private session.

Do your friends bring their monitors with them?

That would have occurred to me first.


Yes, take all of your screens with you


So that would probably be like running on a socket and then hanging the socket extension. Should we then turn on the PCs one after the other, as you said?


It reminds me of my youth in the late 2000s. To recommend:

GE switch, preferably with QoS
enough sockets! Extension cables too!
Snacks for everyone
Enough footprint
Clear internet access. Disconnect as many devices as possible.
Enough chairs for everyone!