What should I upgrade with my PC (or buy Vlt but new)?


Some time ago I bought an old office calculator for just under 140 euro on eBay. I had already heard of the "legendary" Sandy Bridge series and thought that would be a bargain. Well, in itself the PC is surfing the web, watching videos, working or moving files, really fast and I'm super happy with it. However, I started playing games about 3-4 months ago and the PC is absolutely at its limits. CSGO is actually relatively fluid, Minecraft too (but not with shaders, which I actually want). However, games like GTA5, Rainbow etc. Do not work at all or only with extremely low settings.

I would like to play the following games in the highest settings with 60-75 FPS:
- Minecraft (with shaders)
- Rainbow 6

I currently have the following setup:

Processor: Intel i5 2400
Ram: 8GB DDR3
Graphics card: nVidia Quattro FX1800
Power supply: 400W

I have plenty of accessories, so I do not need one.

Which parts to upgrade you can recommend me or a new PC and if so which component? I would fix it myself.


It's the video card that slows you down. It is the characteristic of an office PC that it does not need fast graphics. A 2nd generation i5 with 8GB of RAM should meet your needs if you buy an adequate GraKa. A completely new gaming PC would cost you about 1,000, - €, a current graphics card (middle class) is around 300, - €, that is already twice the whole PC.


It has to be new, you can throw it away and buy something completely new.

But if you do not have that much money (at least 600 euro), then I would first use a reasonable graphics card and upgrade the rest later.

This graphics card: https://www.mindfactory.de/...95291.html


Is that synonymous with my motherboard? HP 1494 Sandybridge Chipset and Q67 South Bridge.

I have no idea what that means, but stands with CPU Z.


No. CPU, mainboard and memory everything has to be swapped together. Then you have a SSD in and then you have almost everything new, is still missing the power supply, your old Chinaböller I would not trust the good hardware, and then only the housing remains.


So, for the first time I would expand the memory to 10gb / 12gb. A Ram DDR3 card costs 20-25 euro, so Financially.

Then I would change the graffiti card. My has 2gb Ram and creates eg Apex 50fps or Euro Truck Simulator 2 he creates 60fps with highest graphics settings. It cost me about 30 euro with a 6pin adapter. My graphics card: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series was bought second hand.

My next goal is to buy a fast CPU now. Have exactly the same you have. The i-5 is very hard to come by. Since either a larger to buy, such as the i-5 7500 7th generation with 3.8 Ghz. As I said the same CPU only faster. Costs you so 190 euro, for classifieds it should not be a problem.

I'm also in the "Zocker Phase" xD, and have noticed very quickly that some components do not come along. Am 16 and did it with small money relatively well.

Hope could help.


The PSU is actually one of HP. But I meant that my current is compatible with the GraKa.


I have already tried to use the ram from my old PC (DDR3), but somehow it was only half recognized and did not work.


Graffikarte middle class? The cost on Ebay 30 euro and Helpful was accidentally clicked.


As? Either you bought DDR4 or mounted it the other way round.


He means that I need a middle class graphics card.


As I said, that was from my old PC, also DDR3. You can only mount it in one direction. The difference, however, was that those of my old PC were green and those of the current blue.




Aso. OK


Yes, the connection is standardized. But maybe you need an adapter for the GPU power connection


For free!

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble