Minecraft figure jerks when moving?



Today I'm playing Minecraft on the PC for the first time (pretty good PC) and everything is going great with Minecraft, everything loads quickly and smoothly and it looks beautiful but I have the following problem. When I start to go with A, it jerks so strangely as if it were making movements similar to pigeons with its head. But if I press the space bar beforehand, i.e. Constantly jump in front of running or walking, then it no longer jerks. Why is that? Is that any particular setting, because otherwise everything works fine. But it just goes so strange if I don't jump first and that sucks!


I think the pigeon movement comes from sprinting for about 0.25 seconds, then walking normally 0.25 seconds, then sprinting again…

Have you changed the sprint button on the controls? It could be that this key is bugged.

But why the whole thing only happens at A, I don't know.


I mean W, not A, but I just found out that all motion buttons do