Minecraft jerks every 3 seconds despite high FPS?

- in Mods

I installed Minecraft again after a long time and wanted to play it, a few weeks ago when I played that everything went well. Now my MC has a short freeze frame every 3-4 seconds and jerks, then everything is good again for a moment, and then it starts all over again. I have an average of 50-70 FPS, and it can't be due to the graphics card or CPU because it was also fluid before that. I don't have any programs open in the background either. I have already set all the settings to low and set them to highest priority in the task manager MC, etc. Nothing helps. (I didn't load any mods, shaders or texturepacks on it either)

Does anyone know how to fix this?


How about Ram? Because at MC the usage always goes up, maybe that's why it is lagging


I have 16GB RAM, should actually be enough


Java probably has too little RAM. If you increase that, the lags could stop.


How can you increase that?


In which situations does it lag? And what is your workload during these lags?


How much ram is assigned to MC?


In the Minecraft launcher. There are tons of tutorials on the Internet. In text form, the explanation would take a little long.


With all xd, when I spawn it starts directly, sometimes in the main menu you can also see that it has still images. There's no load, only the response time drops, I've observed


Install: -play new - minecraft new -java new

more ram on minecraft and java


Where can you look it up?


There are many tutorials on YT on how to change this. If you do that, maybe it won't lag anymore


Okay thanks I'll give it a try


I don't know if that makes sense, but I had that too, and then it was related to VBOs or Vsync.


Did it, unfortunately still lagged: /


What kind of pc do you have?


ASUS laptop, GeForce GTX 950M, Intel Core i7 7500U and 16 GB RAM


I checked again, apparently it is due to the CPU, since the CPU utilization is then 98-100%


Stuttering doesn't have to be FPS-related. Your game may hang due to other problems and you see the same picture 50-70 times per second.

It could e.g. Be a network error because something is being reloaded and the connection to the server is stuck.

If you didn't have it before, I could also imagine heat problems at the moment, as warm as it is currently.