Minecraft is jerking because of Audacity?


I asked this question a few minutes ago, but none of the answers were helpful. That's why I'm formulating it more precisely this time. And please write only answers that may help me, because what else I would like to see here reluctant.

I have a lot more than 100fps in Minecraft

My hardware:

GPU: GTX 1070

CPU: i5 6600k

Ram: 8GB

Minecraft only jerks when Audacity is recording in the background. Also, Minecraft has slight artifacts (The image is slightly distorted as if there are vSync errors.) Speaking of vSync, when I turn on vSync in Minecraft, the fps are not limited to 60 fps, and although I have 100% a 60hz monitor And the hertz are of course also set to 60hz. The CPU utilization can't be synonymous, because when I record with Audacity and Minecraft at the same time, I do not have 100% CPU utilization but rather 40-70% I have already selected "Balanced" and "Energy Saving Mode", but it has not changed at all, which is strange, in case I can't change anything… Do you know free programs for sound recording and sound postprocessing? (Noise reduction, equalizer, echo etc.)

I'm desperate, and do not get it anymore.


You need more RAM. You may have assigned too much RAM to Minecraft and it is not enough for Audacity anymore.


Too little ram


@ Wiesolch99 I've assigned Minecraft 4GB Ram, so it should be enough for Audacity there.


Well… I would still put the RAM at 2 or 3 GB at Mc


You can only use Audacity to a limited extent without paying it and even in pay mode not exactly the hit.

Take on the whole thing with VLC on the advanced control and convert it via a free converter in your cheap format.