I need a graphics card, but where (mostly for Minecraft)?


I have already selected all the other parts, but haven't ordered them yet, but I need a graphics card. But at the moment it looks really bad, mainly I'll just play Minecraft with the PC, but I still want to have a few fps there, so do you know where I can get one from at the moment?


What is your budget


Well, it would be good to know what the rest of the configuration is.


What kind of selected components are there?


Max. 200 euro


For Minecraft FPS and little money you take a 3400 g with a vega 11. With it you can easily play Minecraft, Csgo and Fortnite in usable FPS.


The best thing you can currently get on the market for the price is eig ne gtx 1050ti.



Thanks, can you send me a link?


Depending on the application, the 3400G is not enough for Minecraft. For example, you can forget about shaders.

In addition, the 3400G is a CPU and you said yes you already have everything together except the GPU


Together usually means that you have chosen this. Changing a process is then a small thing.



Then you don't need another CPU anymore. This is a CPU and graphics card in one and the Vega 11 is massively underestimated by almost everyone because it provides good graphics performance.


Thank you 🙏 One more question though, do you know how many Fps I have in Minecraft?


So more than you need, more than that you could see a difference between the FPS. But no value to specify.

On Youtube there's a test of Minecraft with FPS display for pretty much every graphics card.


Okey then thank you. Now I only have one little problem, namely I don't know exactly which motherboard to use because I had previously selected an Intel.


If you play in the competitive PVP area and bet on 144hz it might not be enough. If you want to stream or record on the side, it can get a bit tight.

In single player you have 100-200fps.

With mods like optifine you can get even more out of it

But if you just want to chill out and play Minecraft with friends or something then that will be enough for you.


A GTX 1050ti is the best solution! Minecraft is easy and you can even play one or the other shader.

I still have a 1050ti myself and it's really amazing what performance it has. I play Hitman 3 on medium / high settings and it works perfectly.

The graphics card can do a lot! I would recommend this model to you:



Unfortunately, the Intel IGPu (internal graphics units) are extremely bad. The Vega has about 3 times as much power.

For mainboards you can search e.g. At alternate. They have a PC configurator that only allows you to choose compatible mainboards.

If you want to save money afterwards you can choose something suitable at alternate and then look for the components at Geizhals, for example.