Minecraft Alpha Redstone binary encoder?


I'm currently building a 16-bit calculator in Minecraft Alpha 1.1.2. This one is also almost finished. However, I have now decided to use binary encoders to save a little space. My problem now is that every design I know and which I find only allows a single incoming signal. However, I need a design that allows multiple signals to run in and these are then coded so that the whole thing can be passed on…
Can anyone help me with this problem?


What can your calculator do and how old are you?


Why not in 1.16.5


So far it can't do anything because it is not finished but I have planned to build in all 4 types of calculation and in the later course of the process it should be able to buffer the numbers


Because it is too easy for me in 1.16.5 in such an old version I only have R-dust and R-torch so I have to work. I just like the challenge. ^^


I assume by "binary encoder" you mean a BCD (decimal) to binary encoder.

What you have to do is called reverse double dabble. So just the opposite of double dabble.



In 1.16


No, I don't mean a binary encoder with a BCD to binary encoder because it would be pointless for my project. By binary encoder I actually mean a very simple binary encoder such as in this video:

However, I need this technique in a form that it can accept multiple inputs, such as in this video here:

Since there are neither pistons nor repeaters in the Alpha, I would have to somehow build the whole thing differently.


The first linked video is a BCD / Decimal to Binary Encoder.

A decimal digit (0,1,2,3 ,.) in, a binary output (00,01,10,11, …) out.

The second, on the other hand, is completely different, since a binary number is translated into time intervals and can therefore run over a single line.

It's called Binary To Serial Encoder.

You have to tell me what of it you want now. There's no such thing as a "binary encoder". From binary to what, or from what to binary. You should know that.


In fact, I need exactly the component that can be seen in the second video. As shown in the video, this can't be implemented in the MC Alpha and would have to be built somehow differently, just I don't know how…

Thank you for telling me the exact name of the second component, maybe I will find helpful things on the Internet with it.

And sorry that it was so unclear what I needed.


Maybe it goes like this:

Make a shift register, put your 16 bits in there, and then shift the whole 16 times (per clock) and you send what is shifted out over the individual line.

You then do another shift register where it matters. And then you save the individual bits that arrive there and then shift the whole thing.

So let's visualize it (the left a shift register that to the right is a shift register. Both always shift to the right. The left shift register sends the shifted bit into the line. The right shift register receives the bit and stores it in the leftmost bit down):

01010101 → 00000000

00101010 → 10000000

00010101 → 01000000

00001010 → 10100000

00000101 → 01010000

00000010 → 10101000

00000001 → 01010100

00000000 → 10101010

Shift register when there were no pistons


I'll try that then. Thank you for the good explanation and the wonderful help ^^


Here you go, and good luck. ^^

Sounds like a cool challenge what you're doing.