Efficient coal farm in Minecraft?


Search for a (if possible automatic) coal farm in Minecraft. Tree farm is available. Gladly also Modbasiert.


Automatically fell trees with Industrial Foregoing z.b. (formerly MFR), into an oven with it to get charcoal. With the right generator, electricity can be generated with the coal to continue to operate the tree farm.

Would be the easiest way for a coal farm.


Thanks for the great sketch and the nice explanations + links! Will put me right off to realize this:-)


This is actually a pretty simple construction.

I once tried (in fact, I still work occasionally) to build a fully automatic metal ingot factory with "Industrial Craft" and "Extra Utilities 2" (a chest for coal, ores, etc., the "Input Chest" and one for the finished ingots, stone dust, etc., the "output chest").

The part is still not quite round and again and again I have "sand" in the transmission… (If at least because sand would be…) ^^

And there are "just" about 10 machines, 4 chests about 15 "Transfer Nodes" and felt 20000 miles "Transfer Pipes". ^^

But it works… Almost… Sometimes… O.O


Well, so advanced Minecraft - I have knowledge then not

I suck my designs mostly from tutorials / snippets together…


Well, in that case, I would still ne quite simple (possibly a bit expensive, but simple) idea, with which you might "aufpimpen" your wood factory a little bit:

Install the mod "Twilight Forest": https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Twilight_Forest

Install the mod "Tinkers' Construct": https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Tinkers%27_Construct

Use the "tools" of "Tinkers' Construct" to build a "Lumber Ax". (With the part you can cut whole trees in a wash up.)
Build a "Twilight Forest Portal"
Go to the Twilight Forest.
Look briefly at the trees, some of which are around 100 blocks tall, and think, "Oh, you holy sheriff! That's going to be FAT ARXch full of coal!" ^^
Use the "Lumber Ax" to cut some of these trees and grab the wood and seedlings.
If necessary, upgrade your woodworking plant to process these trees.
Let your coal factory work for a while and find that you can barely keep up with coal consumption. ^^