I'm in possession of a 1070Ti, a Ryzen 7 2700x and 16GB Ram clocked on 3GHz. Battlefield 5 runs smoothly on Ultra and WQHD. (100 + FPS)
Only Minecraft… Minecraft does not want. I play the Java version and have already assigned 4 and 8 GB Ram. No improvement. As soon as I install a shader and turn it on fully, I get a maximum of 25FPS. If I leave the shader on the lowest settings I get to about 30 FPS. And it jerks constantly.
My question is, how others with a 1050 or even 970 can easily play a shader and my graphics card is at almost 100 percent utilization on the Struggel. How can I fix this?
Thank you
PS. Oiptifine installed. Jerkiness with and without.
Does it have anything to do with OpenGL? The latest Grakatreiber is on it, latest BIOS too.
Addendum: The 8-Kerner is clocked at 4.05GHz. Core11 utilization often at 100 percent, remaining cores are barely touched.
You have to minecraft also assign the GB. So go to the launcher where you choose the version. Then quite right where you can manage the. Thereupon to your desired version and there's a part where you can assign GB. 8gb should be enough
As already written, I have already assigned 4 and 8 GB.
Okay sorry had not read it completely 😅
Did you install the latest version of Java?
I won. If only one version is installed, if that is the next question.
Minecraft or Java uses only one core. That's why only one core is used.
What is the line of your JVM arguments (Where you assigned the GBs). Please copy me the times please.
Have you tried in Optifine Video Settings Chunk Loading Multicore times?
I do not find this setting at all?
-Xmx8G -XX: + UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: + UseG1GC -XX: G1NewSizePercent = 20 -XX: G1ReservePercent = 20 -XX: MaxGCPauseMillis = 50 -XX: G1HeapRegionSize = 32M
Otherwise just stop the settings in MC unfortunately do not know how I can help you
Have just looked up at an older Optifine version. (1.7.10). There it is available. Can also be processor dependent.
Try the following line:
-d64 -client -Xmn6G -Xms6G -Xmx8G -XX: MaxGCPauseMillis = 500 -XX: + UseG1GC -XX: + AggressiveOpts
If that does not help, go to your NVIDIA Control Panel.
Manage 3D settings
program settings
Add Java \ jre1.x.x (Java path)
Threaded Optimization Off
Vertical Sync Off
I will try it right away!
To point 3: I can't find the line.
and "following line" did not work.
Therefore you have to add it as a program, find out the Java path and add the javaw.exe under the Java version.
Then try to set the value of MaxGCPauseMillis higher. For example to 500.
Why did not it work? Was there a message?
Has it worked hats, only without increasing the FPS. I still struggle to 25xD
So I'm in the NVIDIA MENU:
Manage 3d settings.
Select program what should be customized. There I find only Minecraft and not Java.
Right is Add. As you press on it. Then you can choose either Java (TM) Platform SE binary or you can press right down on Browse and then search your Java directory then javaw.exe.
You understood?
There's not search xD wtf