PC performance weak despite good components?


My system:

Intel i9 9900k


32GB (2x 16384MB) G. Skill RipJaws V DDR4-320https://www.mindfactory.de/product_info.php/32GB-G-Skill-RipJaws-V-schwarz-DDR4-3200-DIMM-CL16-Dual-Kit_1017414.html

512GB Samsung 970 Pro M.2 2280


2 monitors (1x 4K, 1x Full HD)

If I play a game, no matter which one (Minecraft, CS: GO, Cities Skyline… Only HD, no 4K!) And still a stream or Youtube watch jerky video…

now I wanted to render from my Gopro videos, but the program just jerky (GoPro Quick), that was not so with my old CPU (i5 4950K) …

What could that be?


Hej! Have you ever looked at the GPU utilization? How high is it when you play and the video starts to jerk?

I'm thinking of a well-known problem with how Windows 10 handles GPU processes. The active game is put over everything, so that virtually no computing power is left to encode the video. But this happens only at high utilization of about 90% upwards. Take a look!


The GPU utilization is usually between 50-70%, the graphics card was already in there and with the old CPU gabs no problems


But even if I do not play, just edit videos, then the programs become useless


Video editing is also a 3D application and is handled by Windows exactly like a game. So do not make any difference. But if the load is so low, my guess actually does not apply.


Have you ever tried reinstalling the video driver? So throw down completely (there are some tools for) and reinstall again?


The monitors are already infected on the graphics card?

Chipset driver and video card driver installed?

Otherwise reinstall Windows.


What are the CPU temps and clock under load? Which CPU cooler do you have?


Temp and clock fits, cooling by water cooling 280mm from Corsair


And the monitors are both on the graphics card