Minecraft - Picture jerky despite high FPS?


Morning knowers,

I play Minecraft Revelation 2.5 and although I'm always over 60 FPS, movements are very jerky. It's not the 60 Hz / FPS, if I use Planetside 2 games, I feel completely fluid.

And another question: I tried to lure the FPS to 60, but then they drop to 50 in part, although I have unlimited to 160 FPS.

What can this be?

PC: R7 1700 @ 3.7 GHz, RX 480 8 GB, 16 GB RAM, Monitor 2x BenQ FHD 60 Hz.


/ try vsync or adjust render distance


Lies on the Microstutter.

You could optimize your Minecraft world by using fewer blocks to bring the lags and if you overclock your processor. (If you do not have it, Optifine helps a lot)


I've already got Vsync out, so it got a little better, but it's still not right.


The Chunks it is not, just put down to 2, does not change anything. Games on a larger server, there's hardly any lay, only the world is running quite a long time. Can it be because of that? Processor is already overclocked.


I never said render down distance.

Probably because of the fact that the world has been running for quite a long time.


I interpreted that as using "less blocks". Is Optifine serveside, or client?



With fewer blocks cause the Laggs I thought rather, less portals, etc. Ka which mods are exactly in the ModPack in it.


Have Optifine packed in, nothing changes, in a newly generated single player world the same.
Have the FPS time lured to 30, then you have the feeling the camera pans gradually by 10 degrees


Hm, then lies at the mod pack itself.


Yes, it seems to be the mod pack, Vanilla runs smoother


Then that or…


Nah, does not bring anything, is apparently the mod, in Vanilla single player is.


Download the Optifine. Even if I have 300-600fps in mc go through it jerky. Optifine should solve that problem