Since version 1.14 are the movements in Minecraft strange?


Since the version 1.14 in Minecraft, the movements are somehow funny, so not really the sensitivity but it's just rather gentle instead of liquid, that bothers me iwie. Can you issue that? So, as I said, before, it was much more fluid, now it's rather gentle, so you know what I mean? (has nothing to do with sensitivity, I think)

As well as the ducking (snieken?) Is also so slow or "gentle"


I have absolutely no idea what you mean. Your description does not explain anything original.


Eg. Even when crouching (snieken) is so "slow". Uff I can't put that into words. The ducking is also "slow or gentle"


I know exactly what you mean. Is since, I think, 1:12 so and can't turn off.


Sneak from English to sneak - sneak
I still do not know what you usually do. Maybe you have the cinematic camera on. Look at Controls for what the hotkey is with you and press it.