Is a new computer worth it?


I'm saving for a new computer. Of course this is an expensive thing with the pocket money. We already have 2 computers, one of them is mine. One of them is not that bad. By contrast, mine already. Well, I really wanted a new one. Now I've noticed that I would use the computer only for Minecraft, YouTube and school. I would also like Planet Coaster (Cool game, but needs a good PC). Now I wanted to ask if there would be worth a new computer at all… Look forward to your answers.


If you put the old one in here, you could suggest the upgrades and judge whether a new PC pays off in comparison.

You really do not need much for Minecraft, YouTube and school.


Search for returns from retailers.

Since you can find good equipment that you can build for something more so that it fits your needs.

I have ordered such a laptop and ordered it with more memory and a larger hard drive and am satisfied.

You also have a guarantee and a contact who will help you with questions.

The devices are mostly from leases from large companies and usually barely older than a two-year period.


Without precise information on your current PC and your budget can't make any statement here.