To the Minecraft players. How long have you been playing Minecraft?
I've been playing Minecraft since 2009. That was the Classic time. The game has cast a spell on me to this day ^^
I've been playing Minecraft since it existed, even when Minecraft was only available in the browser.
I started around 2012/2013
Awesome! Since I only got to know the game ^^
Long ago too ^^
Well, a friend showed me and I thought it was funny. But then the new versions came out so quickly that I almost couldn't keep up. XD And now there are a lot of things and in version 1.17 there's also the fact that under 0 there's still a really fat cave, crystals, copper etc.
Since 2013 or so
I bought it in February 2011, but I have maybe 1 or 2 hours of playing time in total.
The game never flashed me.
Bought PE a year ago and Java and BE a few months ago