I have been playing Minecraft for a long time and wonder where I can download the very best Minecraft mods for free?
So I have most mods from http://www.curseforge.com/...eforge.com.
The mods are always explained there with a suitable description of whether further mods such as APIs are needed and still a list of the version of the mod and for which version it is.
The best mods don't exist.
Find mods or a modpack (only 1 Minecraft version)
Download the appropriate version of Forge.
In the Mods folder, which is in the Minecraft folder, create a folder with the appropriate Minecraft version. (E.g. 1.8.8)
Drag the mods into it. (Must be .jar or .zip files.)
Start Forge in the right version. (Version selection in MC Launcher)
I think Chisel and Bits is really cool.
If you need some mod recommendations:
Fisks Suerheroes
Block armor
Toontown mod
Nuke mod
Massive structures
Morph mod
Blokkit mod
Security craft
Fisk's Lightsaber
Harry Potter Universe
Jurassic Craft mod
I always go to curse forge or the modder's site
Sounds logical, but somehow I can't find this Minecraft folder and the MC Launcher either. Maybe you can help me somehow.
Info: I have java edition 1.16.1 and Windows 10
Minecraft folder:
Window key + R or search bar: Execute
Enter% appdata% and confirm with Enter
Find .minecraft folder.
What do you mean by launcher?
You also have to install forge
It's also there.
I missed it
Can happen to anyone.
I have the TNT mod and this forge installed but when I start Minecraft and try to craft the different TNTs as shown in the pictures it does not work.
Did you drag the mod into the mods folder? Of course, you can still select the version in your Minecraft Launcher Forge.
I dragged the mods into the mods folder and the forge too. Which version should I take from Forge? Maybe I took the wrong one. Where can I select a version in the Launcher Forge?
You have to take and run the Forge installer. Have a look at YT there are good tutorials.
I watched a lot of videos of it Mr. Goldmensch, but I think that they are more or less useless. Could you please give me a link to a suitable video?
Either like this: (I recommend it for laypeople)
or manually:
Opftifine is the MOD here. But as far as I know, Optifine is no longer available as a pure MOD, but only as an installer (like Forge).