Green screen on windows 10?

Green screen on windows 10

So my PC has recently such a problem and indeed, he turns green when I Z.B Star stable or minecraft open minecraft when I rausgehe out of the app and go back in the screen is normal again at sso not. What should I do?


Evt graphics card defective - or just drivers obsolete. Have you ever updated that?

otherwise check the screen cable quite simply. Maybe it has a loose connection.

evt synonymous, the monitor is defective - do you have another that you can connect to test times?


Oh, so that can have many sources of error. I'll give you a point:
1. Graphics card may have a defect (unlikely)
2. Monitor has a defect (This is an age-old 4: 3 monitor, which has actually lost nothing in a workplace)
3. Interfaces have a defect (try another interface if possible)
4. Interface cable (DVI or VGA I assume) have a loose connection.
5. Graphics card driver is out of date.
6. Rather unlikely, but it can also be a windows problem, which would be related to the drivers.

Solutions would just wobble on the monitor cable, switch the monitor off and on again when the error occurs, update graphics card drivers or even try out a completely different monitor.


Either in graphics card setting to look after or update driver or reboot operating system or buy the worst case graphics card.


Thanks, I'll try it!