I want to create a Tnt scene, that's why I built a green screen around it. But I don't want the green screen to be damaged in the explosion (the green screen is made of wool)
Can someone help me?
Why don't you use textured obsidian
I could also pack you up quickly
Simply place barrier blocks in front of your green screen as an invisible protective wall.
It works with the https://dev.bukkit.org/...worldguard plugin
You write in a command block that is executed:
/ fill x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 air replace tnt
So that all TNT in the range of x1 y1 z1 and x2 y2 z2 are removed.
You could put a command block on Repeat that repositions the wool again and again as soon as it breaks
But better take this green tone than green screen