Blender cycle result pixelated?


Moin Leude,

I'm currently working with belnder and wanted to render a Minecraft map with Cycle.

Blender cycle result pixelated

When I render this with Eevee it looks good but with Cycle it looks good.

What can I do about it or what makes it look like this?


This is called noise and is not pixelated. You'll need to set more samples for the final render. The more samples, the less noise, but the longer it takes.

Also gives a denoiser who is quite good for still pictures.

You can also watch tutorials on YouTube on how to reduce noise in Blender Cycles


Or you can denoising the render settings


Brings nothing


Brings nothing


Yes, that's 99.9999% noise. Then you did something wrong. Increased by 1 sample or so.

You use a RayTracer as a renderer. Or in your special case with Cycles a backwards path tracer. This emulates light (photons) backwards, these are shot out by the camera and bounce off until they reach a light source (to put it simply).

This calculates which color etc. The corresponding pixel has.

If you have set very few samples (a few hundred) then the accuracy for each pixel is very low.

If you quintuple the number of samples and let the whole thing be rendered, you should definitely see a difference (unless of course you have only changed this for the viewport, then you only see a difference in the viewport.

Have you watched videos on YouTube? Because for an outdoor scene you have a lot of noise, maybe you used lights that were too small, etc. (or really rendered with only 32 samples)

If it doesn't work at all, upload the file to WeTransfer or the like and send the link as a comment, then I'll take care of it later.


Would you like to show a screenshot of your render settings and of the light source (I assume it's a sun here)