Technic launcher invalid session why?

- in Launchers

Hi, I've been playing Minecraft for a while (it's my favorite game by the way.)

I have had a long time the problem nothing has funktoniert I've used all the solutions to the fix of Minecraft because Minecraft did not start / did not funktonierte.

Therefore, I have used the last and best solution which fortunately works

namely to change the launcher

I currently use

Technic launcher is an incredibly cool launcher

However, I have the problem that I get an error when joinen a server:

Invalid session restart the game or something like that.)

why can't I join a server

Do you know another alternative premium launcher?

or is there a way to join Technic launcher on server and I just have to fix it somehow

if so please write me why I get this error message.


The message comes normally, if the same account wants to connect several times at the same time.


Your game takes too long to start, your session is over, your account is no longer connected to Mojang.

The restart connects the account again with Mojang.

Does not bring you anything if your game always takes so long.

The Mod ReAuth helps with the problem. You can reconnect your account with Mojang without having to restart your game. You will also be shown if you are still connected.


Ok thank you very much i will try it.


Ok thank you so much i should just wait a bit and be patient when i start it and then it works?