Everything worked out now!
I'm trying to install the Minecraft client Sigma5. When I double-click on the .jar file, an error message appears that says: "There are errors in the following switches: …". When I want to open the file via the console, the response is: "No main manifest attribute, in c: \ users \ user \ Desktop \ Sigma5.jar".
How can I solve this?
I guess you'll have to start this file with Forge. Means: Download & install Forge and then pull this file into the .minecraft / mods folder and then start Forge
Nope unfortunateley not. I've already installed forge in Multimc, but Sigma is not recognized as a mod
I just read through the installation instructions on the Sigma 5 website. You just have to drag the folder with the jar file into the version folder. This is how it should work
No, unfortunately not. I dragged the folder in there, but it doesn't work.
Uhh, ok, it worked…