Which game / s would you ditch if given a choice?


For me it would be Fortnite and Minecraft


All these Pay2win mobile games and the Ultimate team mode at Fifa!


My favorite saying is ' taste is not everyone's ''

If you don't like Minecraft or Fortnite, it doesn't mean that others have to agree with you, that would be kind of selfish. But assuming I had the power and could remove a game from the Internet, then those games would look very different in advertisements and thus want to attract people, most of the time the games only have a Pay2win system and everything is just nonsense. But that's also just my opinion and others like these games to spend a lot of money.


I didn't expect others to see it that way either. You can save your reproach. It's a matter of taste


In no way should it be a reproach, sorry if I attacked you with it. I gave you my answer to this if they are fake apps.