Which hosting service is best?

- in Mods

I'm getting to the point. I'm currently looking for a hosting provider for a Minecraft server. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it should run relatively smoothly. The server is just for a couple of friends and me, nothing big. We play without mods or any plugins. I'm thankful for every answer.

Edit: We want to play on 1.16.5


Nitrado: Quickly set up, cheap and reliable, great support in case of problems.


I would recommend Nitrado to you.
It is very easy and quick to set up, and inexpensive too.


I would simply go for nitrado in the classic way.

a year ago I tested another one (whose name I can't remember) to save a few euro and it was a nightmare.

extremely confusing and you had to cancel by letter


I can highly recommend Nitrado. There are a lot of things you can do there. Everything is very clear and well structured. And if you don't have that many people on your server, the price goes well!


I would recommend nitrado to you.
I've always created Minecraft servers through this host until now.
I highly recommend him.


So of course you can take nitrado etc. But since you only use a server for a few friends and yourself, you can also just use Ploudos or aternos (it's free)


I forgot to write that in, we have used these servers the last time and that went really well so far, but we had quite a lot of lags and crashes because the project got quite big. But thank you very much for the answer.

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
FPS drops since 03/06? Ob ObsequiousSamir
Looking for MC hosting service? ph physicianketchup