Looking for MC hosting service?

- in Servers

I'm looking for a Minecraft hosting service where it is easy to upload a map and it can be downloaded again later. I would like to transfer our map from aternos to a chargeable hoster because the aternos server starts to lag extremely with 3 or more players.


Host unlimited or nitrado i would take zap hosting is junk


I think I remember that changing the map and downloading it again at nitrado was a lot of work, or am I wrong '?


Well you log in to FTP, download the world folder and upload it somewhere else. This is not particularly expensive


Minehoster, I think it's good. World via FTP or with the access browser integrated in the webface, super fast support. Freely selectable slots


Host Unlimited is junk and borders on fraud…


How so? Have very good experiences with them


Be glad that you can do everything yourself and do not need any support - look here for Host Unlimited… Then your eyes will open… And not only here…


Have had a few times to deal with Karsten Hanke from their support I was always able to help but sometimes little performance problems is very cheap. What would you recommend?


Home hosting - I have a R610 (Dell) in the basement and a 500 Mbit fiber optic connection


Yes, if you do something on a larger scale, but for smaller projects, the electricity is far too expensive


You get good servers and good support from DeinServerHost
(If this answer is deleted because of advertising, I don't understand)