I'm just thinking about what would be the best way to rent. The game is Minecraft, a mod pack, about 255 mods. The selection would be a VServer or a Gameserver. And I mean pure of the achievement.
If you are familiar with server administration (firewalling etc), I would resort to the vServer. But if not, then to the managed gameserver. Badly administrated vServers are easily hacked and then in a botnet. Above all, YOU are then liable for what the hacker does to the server.
Is a VServer difficult to manage?
You already need know-how. If you know the dependencies between IP addresses, ports and firewall, at least the security configuration is feasible. Of course, there's a lot more involved.
Since you ask that question: yes, he is. Should not you try.
The provider I had chosen for me, is a forum which of what you say there's nothing describes: https://wiki.host-unlimited.de/index.php/Minecraft_Server_auf_Debian_VServer_installieren
Of course not. The tutorial also only refers to a Minecraft server and not to the general administration of a v or root server.
On a vServer, you can install not only Minecraft but websites, databases, VPN servers, certificate servers, etc. In the tutorial, only a tiny part of what is possible with a vServer is explained. It would be impossible to explain everything there. Usually, it is also assumed that the owner knows about configuration and network security.
Gameserver is more of a service like Nitrado that you can only use for this purpose, they are based on VServers with the same or worse performance.
A Vserver gets resources from the host and shares them with other VServers.
A Dedicated Server is a single computer, because you do not have to share anything and have all the power for you alone.
Since Minecraft does not really use a lot of CPU cores but profits a lot more from SingleCore Performance you get a dedicated for your purpose for 32 euro / M without setup fee with an i7-4770 and 32GB RAM 1GBit network integration
Hetzer server exchange https://www.hetzner.de/sb
Of course, as with a VServer, you are also responsible for the secure operation of the software.
On a V-server you have full remote access as on your own PC. You can install what you want there and have to take care of everything yourself.
A gameserver has (mostly) only a web interface and an FTP-connection. The provider specifies which games can be installed.