A Minecraft server for Ice and Fire Mod, is that available?

- in Mods

I installed the Ice and Fire Mod and searched the Internet for a server with this mod, unfortunately without success. Do you know a server for such mods or do you know a website where you can register your own server so that others can join up? Then I would try to create a server myself xD


You can simply host a modded server at e.g. Nitrado and then upload mods to the server


And where can I find players who play along?


Oh yes j I didn't think that far 😅


As far as I know, the Ice and Fire mod is part of the RLCraft modpack, there are sure to be a few servers, but the modpack is a bit hard 😅


Oh oki I can try to look for it, thank you anyway xD


Ice and fire Mod beta