Minecraft server rank ideas?

- in Mods

I'm currently making a Minecraft server, and all I'm missing now is the ranks you can earn.

But I lack ideas on how the ranks should be called.

I don't want to like ranks like "Vip", "Vip +", "Mvp", "Mvp +", "Mvp ++", etc.

I would rather like something like "Emerald", "Hero", "God", etc.

I don't want to know what the ranks are supposed to do, I just want ideas for the names and the order of the ranks (priority), e.g.



I wonder where the sup rank is xD. What can you do on the server? Then you can adjust it a little depending on the.


It is actually a survival server, but of course we will offer other things like Skyblock or KitPvP


How about the ranks "Pixel" and "Crafter"? But in itself I can't recommend KitPvP, because there's simply too much of it. I'm Dev on a network and we've been hooking on SkyBock for a month to be relatively unique.


Let creativity run wild.

Back then had an active server that was always filled with 200+ players.

Players like creative things that are not everywhere.

A rank like Emerald, Gold, Hero or God… Has been there too often.

I don't want to tell you my names for my ranks, everyone has to find out for themselves.

Which IP does your server have?

Is he professional enough?

Is the server capacity sufficient?

Always think of one of the following things and see that you bring something other than game modes into it.

Always think you'd rather try something new, right?

If you e.g. You take the snowball fight mode, which has not happened so often or my self-programmed game mode: The hunt of the goblin.

But you shouldn't offer ranks directly for sale and if you don't offer too expensive.

Try by e.g. Giving away the lowest rank to get regular players.

If you have built up a reasonably large community, you can also sell intensive ranks.

Would you like to have a look at your server, please send me your IP.

Have fun with your server, your Nikolas


The server is not even published yet… But I will let some people out soon to get feedback, and only after 1 - 2 months will I open it.


If you are still looking for a builder, please.

Back then he was a builder at GommeHD.net and Rewinside.tv.


Unfortunately, builders are what we no longer need (; 'д `) ゞ.
We're only looking for developers or designers (for logo, banner, etc.)