Feed the Beast Lite Download?

- in Mods

Lately I feel like making Feed the Beast Lite again (because mega-project and so on.__.), But I do not know where to find the modpack. I have tried it on the Curse Launcher already normal, but the mods do not load there, even though they are in the right folder, and so stop, but it just starts a Vanilla Minecraft. In the old FTB launcher I've tried it as well, but there do not load the mod packs, so I can't select anything (synonymous with restart does nothing there) Would be cool if someone can help me.


Maybe you're adding too little RAM to the launcher. Do you have Java, because without Java it can never work. If you're on the Curse Launcher, you can change the java-bit versions, try them all out!


Meanwhile, the game does not start anymore, have a sufficient Java version installed, and I just do not know how to continue. Do you have any other way to get to the modpack? _.