How long can your children be on the PC?


I'm m14 and wanted to know what your time regulations are. This question is primarily aimed at To parents, because then my parents listen more, like when a 10 year old now writes: "I can use the computer for 5 hours (intentionally wrong)"

I'm only allowed 30 minutes to the PC, although I'm a very reasonable boy who does not play GTA with 50 tantrums, but one who likes to try new circuits in Minecraft.

I'm also very good at school (except Latin). But before I just praise myself to heaven, I also have to say that I'm very lazy and unsportsmanlike

(I don't worry I don't weigh 3024738 kilos; I'm just a little overweight, but I'm a total disaster in gymnastics and basketball.)

I also have the following problem: My friends live 19km away from me and I would have to change trains once and would be there after 1 1/2 hours. And after the arrival times I would only have about 50 minutes there.

I'm also in favor of not only giving the playing time according to age. Now that you've heard the whole thing: how long would you let me play and how long can your children play?

Please also state whether you are an adult, a child or a parent.

Edit: Many write that they have media time. I don't have that. With me everything is individual. It's more complicated for me

The PC time is fixed. Not the cell phone. I can use it as I want. But if I start to exaggerate (about 1.5h / d or in the last 3 days 2x> 60min or I talk about it too often). There's no rule for the television because I'm never there.

Before complaining now that I'm complaining ridiculously: I sit on the bus for 70 minutes every day without friends and have to wait 10 minutes for the bus.


Half an hour a day on the PC is certainly not much. What does the overall daily package look like, including television, mobile games, YouTube etc.

My son is 15 and can play when he has done all his "duties" and the grades are correct. We don't have fixed times.


I'm 15 years old, 11th grade. Since I already have a lot of personal responsibility, it doesn't really matter how long I'm on

I should just do my tasks and the rest doesn't really matter

But you also have to say that I'm rather sporty

And above all, I assembled my PC myself and generally dealt with the topic strongly

But with 14 Mhm I had Pc at Fertig

And joar at the beginning of 14 I was allowed a maximum of 2 hours and then at the end of 14 3-4 hours


I'm 55, w. Since you are 14 and have to go to school in the morning, I would put you in bed at 8/9 p.m. Without smartphone and PC.

After school you would get a balanced lunch that you would take with me and your siblings. We would talk about how the day was for me and for you and what the next day is about.

Then you children would do your homework, which I would help you with when needed and which I would definitely control.

Then you can play (Mon - Fri) until around 7.30 p.m., then there will be dinner.

How much time would you have like that? Every day?

And at the weekend I would make sure that you could do something with your friends. In general I would talk to you about nutrition because it is a very important topic in life.


The best way into child independence, sry…


Absolutely right…


In the upbringing i would have dodged something like that from a train


The poor child…


Are they not the children who become addicted to drugs because they only have to do it?


Well, if you all see it that way, it's probably better that I have no children.

But letting the children decide for themselves is not that great either.


I can't answer that in general. That depends on how you otherwise behave. That's why I would answer a few questions for myself. Let's say you are my child:

How about school? Do you do your homework without long discussions or do you always have to go to the PC first?
What about the rest, e.g. Tidying up the room, taking dishes out of your room and occasionally bringing dirty laundry to the bathroom? Do you go swimming voluntarily or is the computer stopping you?
What other leisure activities do you have? Do you only meet up with friends to gamble or hang out in front of a PC?
When is your favorite PC time? Right after school, in the late afternoon or in the evening when everything is done?
What do you mainly do on the PC?
How do you behave when you have been on the PC for a long time? Are you then irritable, neglect your friend, tasks, etc.

There are many questions that I ask myself. Then I would decide how long you can spend on the PC on average. (Although I find it very weak for 39 minutes.)

I myself have four grown children and 12 grandchildren. And everyone is or was different when it comes to computers or consoles. One person was less disturbed and the other would like to date on the PC from morning to evening.


I'm 27, live alone, no children.

Education is always difficult. I have found that simply banning something is the wrong way. Most children do it out of defiance. A child should be able to learn how to handle things properly and assess what is good for them. You also do not prohibit the child from climbing around in the playground, but teach him what happens if you fall and how you prevent it.

Exercise is important, let someone tell you who has hardly exercised as a child and has struggled with obesity for 10 years. If your friends live so far away, it would be good if you looked for friends nearby. E.g. To the next soccer field and kick it (most children let everyone play).

At your age I was allowed to spend an hour on the PC. There were no smartphones yet. In the evening I was allowed to watch TV again for about nine hours, mostly 3 episodes of a SuperRTL series. I would do the same with my children. Smartphones can be used for chatting or looking something up, but it is important that they do their homework reliably and do their household chores. Most of the time would be to just take out the garbage or clear out the dishwasher and hang up laundry every now and then.

You could talk to your parents about how difficult it is to do what you want to do. Maybe they could take you to your friends and pick them up every now and then? If you show them that your homework and things are going well, they may be able to increase the time to 1 hour, and if it doesn't work, put it back down.


Not meant badly, but do you have children?


No. It is probably better that way. I don't envy you having to explain the world to your children.

No offense…


Thanks for the honest answer.


No, they are the ones who should always decide everything themselves "


1. I'm, as I said, relatively good at school (honest personal assessment)

Math 1- English 2- Physics 1 Chemistry 1-2 German 2 Religion 2-3 Latin 4-5 Technology 1-2 Info 2+ Geo Cities by heart 4- Miscellaneous 2 Music 2-3 Bk 2-3 History 3 Bio 2-3 Sport 4-

So as you can see I'm a very good student. (I like to show off) I'm in the MINT subjects (except organic) among the top 3 in the class (BW g9). I'm bad in Latin, parts of geo and unimportant subjects. I always do my homework between 1:00 p.m. And 3:00 p.m. I go to the PC sometime between 16:00 and 17:00.

2. No, unfortunately I don't do that

3. I often stay longer in school and play cards with friends. I play football, but not at home, but only in a club. I only meet up with friends at school.

4. As I said: I start between 16:00 and 17:00. When I have a storm-free game, I sometimes play sooner or later. Most of the time my brother is on the pc.

5. Try out circuits like T-flip-flop in Minecraft, start building worlds that I never used again afterwards and play online. Sometimes when my friends all play Fortnite I play with them.

6. If I was on the PC for a longer period of time, then I'm peaceful until someone confronts me that I have been on the PC for too long. Then I get irritated and move to my room.


Also and forgot to say.

The pc is not in my room.

If I have an argument, I don't care about the time like now.

I do not count learning time in the 30 min

And I usually have the phone until 9:00 am


I'm writing so late because I don't care about the times of use in a dispute. The sports field does not work because it is dead. I live in a village with 900 inhabitants. The neighboring town has only 500. In my year there are 2 other places in my town, 12 more children my age. (+ -1 year). 2 Assis are like from Krass school. I have a dispute with 1 because he agreed to my birthday, we pre-booked it and he didn't come. (I only had 3 guests and entry was 20 euro). 6 of which are girls and I can't talk to girls. I know the rest, but we're just too different. The next city is not very big either. 18,000 inhabitants. I'm very unlucky with my age. My sister has> 40 people their age (+ - one year).


I can tell you that ignoring stipulations in the argument just makes things worse. Try to sort this out properly!

Yes, unfortunately you are really unlucky with your living situation. So explain that to your parents. And still try to find activities besides PC. Reading, riding a bike, that should go well in the country, maybe writing or drawing, etc. I totally understand that with the girls, I still have the problem today. But even there you may be able to do better than me and a lot of boys your age. Find something you have in common where you can go to one of the girls. I know that takes courage and is easier said than done. And because of the other city: So 18,000 inhabitants are a good number. In theory, that's 2,000 children your age, something's going on!


Raising children is a blatant responsibility, for me it would be honestly nothing ^^


Well, at 14 rather not