I wanted to ask if the PC is worth it, I only want to use https://www.mediamarkt.de/...60482.html to play minecraft
You will be able to play Minecraft, but at most vanilla, with mods or textures / shaders there isn't much
You will certainly not be able to play other games than Minecraft with this PC
Ok yes, I just want to play teamspeak and minecraft and that's actually a good introduction to gaming pc or
For 340 euro you get something better if you build it yourself, Minecraft would run better with it and other games would work too. Maybe you want to play something else someday in the future.
But the mill is also sufficient for Minecraft alone without a shader.
Ok, I can't build, yes I just want to play on servers
Could you suggest a finished pc that costs 340 euro
No, not really, it's like a simple notebook.
Could you suggest a cheap PC for me
Cheap is currently not possible, maybe something used.
Yes, but with used you never know if something is broken
This one costs 360 euro, but is also noticeably faster: https://hardwarerat.de/...-8gb/240gb
Ok thanks so I can play well on minecraft?
Yes, but if you want something reasonably usable, you go for 600 euro, which is not much more than your linked one.
I just found
https://www.ebay.de/...2767226501 on ebay, which is quite OK for 300 euro, so that more up-to-date games are possible
Also on servers. With lots of people
Yes, I have a slightly older gaming pc that was very good at the time and now it's broken and it still has a graphics card
For the last time: yes
Ok and I can upgrade to or
Ok srry that I ask, do we run minecraft then smoothly or it can come to stuttering
For 600 euro, https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de is quite OK in terms of performance. Pole PCs are often made cheaply.
If there were stutters, I would have said that
With this budget you are better off with this system:
Or you can buy a used system.