Minecraft 1.14: Creepy block noises at night?


I recently built a huge 5 block wall around my palace. In my garden, I lit everything perfectly so that no mob can spawn. It was a great pleasure for me, as I can finally work on my garden at night, without having to worry.

However, I have that now. I've just cleared a small hill (within the wall, so in a lit area) and suddenly I hear the sounds that you hear ONLY in multiplayer, so if someone breaks down or placed next to me something. It sounded like it came from behind the wall, but I did not dare look.

Do you have an idea what that was?

If you need more info: I live in a deserted village, I was there when there were still villagers, but they were all killed by countless raider attacks. In addition, I visited my bed every night, so phantoms or similar things were not.


How old are you if I may ask?

if you are under 25, it makes me wonder that you do not know what that is


Only guess would be an enderman but what do you mean please?


Ok I've looked now and there's no one but 2 cows 2 sheep and a stupid zombie who got lost in my ropes


What are those noises. An enderman makes only noises when someone is near him. It can also be a spider. Describe the noise


Sheep eat grass so that a grass block becomes a normal block of dirt, if they eat it, it sounds like a player is cutting down a block of dirt.


Yes I know but it was a different sound


Like in this one record. Someone places stone blocks or anything stony just



Another player


An animal / monster that has run on hard blocks

Why not look, what should happen?


I checked and there was nothing. Besides other player becomes difficult in singleplayer or?


Maybe a sheep has eaten the grass?