Minecraft is on second monitor?


When I activate the full screen mode in Minecraft, then the game is displayed on the second monitor, my mouse, however, is on the first monitor.

How do I get the game in full screen on the first monitor? Reinstallation did not help.


If you are in the game, press F11 and then drag it to the other monitor.

Then again F11.


It does not work. If I press F11, then it will be enlarged again on the second monitor.


With F11 you make it in the window mode, simply pull MInecraft on the other monitor and enlarge it.


I can zoom in by clicking Zoom in the upper right corner, but then you can see the taskbar. If I press F11 to get it full screen, it goes back to the second monitor.


If you have win 10, go to Settings> System> Display and click on more identifiable ones. Put there times the monitor on which you want to play MC on 1


Does not work either. Did the two adjusted or changed the main monitor and the problem has then shifted only to the other monitor. It's only in Minecraft like that. Everything else works in other games.


Mhhm, that's weird. Write to Mojang Support. Until then, just play with taskbar


I'm pretty sure that you can select the monitor in the graphics settings of Minecraft.


Unfortunately, no. One can only distinguish between "full screen: on" and "full screen: off".

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