Hi, I started with Minecraft again on the Ps4 and created a Microsoft account to connect it to Minecraft. Everything went well, the website said I can close the window I'm logged in. In Minecraft it said that it doesn't work because the Microsoft account was supposedly connected to another account even though I had re-created the account. Can someone help me?
I just don't know how to solve it, I just know that it is the case with many
Had the same problem on my switch. Just restart Minecraft and connect to your Microsoft account. Then you will be shown a code that you have to enter at https://login.live.com/oauth20_remoteconnect.srf. Enter your email address and register. Then FIRST close the window of the page and then close the window on the PS4. Repeat the process if necessary.
You can set whether you want to log in again and again under Settings.