IGPU on the mainboard or processor with APU?


I wanted to ask you something:

The graphics card prices are currently very high, but I HAVE to buy (that is, build) a new PC, because my MacBook Air 2011 will really give up the ghost soon.

Therefore, I would ask you whether the mainboard that I selected, whether there's already a graphic integrated there, and whether Windows will run with it for the time being, and whether I could play Minecraft etc. With it first smoothly (on low settings)?

Here the mainboard: https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de

Or do you want to buy a CPU with an integrated graphics unit? If anyone of you knows a comparable CPU with a good APU, with the AM4 socket, that would also work. But it shouldn't be much more expensive either.

Here my CPU: https://geizhals.de/...at&hloc=de

Or a GT 1030 after all?

Feel free to write me your suggestions!



With graphics, fits the MB and is enough for a transition for a lot (but don't expect any troubles ^^)


Nowadays it is regulated in such a way that the GPU in the CPU is not on the board. AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G


The mainboard has no integrated graphics but only offers an output for a graphic. In order for that to work you have to put a processor with integrated graphics in there.

A comparable CPU with graphics would be the Ryzen 4650g, for example. The two are pretty much the same in terms of performance, with the 4650g being around 40 euro more expensive than the 3600

Gaming will of course not work as well as with dedicated graphics, but for games that tend to require less performance such as LOL, Fortnite, Counterstrike etc. It usually does not do that badly. So you can play, but you shouldn't expect 100+ FPS on the highest settings or something like that.


Modern mainboards no longer have a gpu. This is currently mainly found in graphics cards and as a coprocessor in certain CPUs.


Well, can I reach 60 fps in Minecraft on a slightly lower setting?


Minecraft is a thing of its own… If you load a lot of extras you also get a large cpu on your knees, because minecraft is single-threaded.

If you're keen on chunks, you can upgrade to 32GB and go smoothly to 20. 16GB are enough but thick for normal liquid gaming

ps good ram is beneficial


Hehe wants to get me 64 GB, but on the part of the APU there are 60 fps in there, right?


You can only mark 1 answer as the most helpful ☹️


No problem. The site is primarily there to answer questions, awards, points, etc. I'm not really interested anyway, as far as that fits if the answer helped you.


By the way, this is my PC confi xD: https://geizhals.de/...WL-2049399


Um, actually I've already had my configuration checked, and it's perfectly tailored to me.


Nope, the components just fit together in such a way that the thing goes on…
Which freak recommended that to you?


Um, it doesn't matter who, but the person knows about it, and everything is compatible with each other so far. But what I wanted to ask was whether I had 60 fos in Minecraft (really only Optifine on 10 chunks).


The person installed the technology from 2 years ago… THEY HAVE NO IDEA! I had linked you to a video about Minecraft. With your system, however, you will have an unsatisfactory component utilization. Means performance gets stuck at 70% because you listen to "the person has a clue".


What's that 2 years old?


Please, I really don't know anything about it, so I would be happy if you take the time to explain everything in more detail. What do you mean by this 70% now, as well as the difference between the components that I have selected and those that you have selected… I think I'm just standing on the hose right now and don't understand it…


The ram is for ryzen 1-2, currently 3600-4000 is used

if you want to use the igp, it also accesses the ram… Then the cheapest of the cheap… Is slow

the rest is just unbalanced, nonsensical parts