Minecraft local host Macbook?


Last login: Fri Oct 16 03:11:09 on ttys000

The default interactive shell is now zsh.

To update your account to use zsh, please run 'chsh -s / bin / zsh'.

For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/...b/HT208050.

FloriansMacbook: ~ florianbasedow $ / Users / florianbasedow / Desktop / Spigot \ 1.14.4 / start.command; exit;

Unsupported Java detected (58.0). Only up to Java 12 is supported.


Saving session…

… Copying shared history…

… Saving history… Truncating history files…

… Completed.

[Process ended]

That is the text at the start and unfortunately it does not work


You have to update the Java version to 12. Is actually included in the error.


How does it work