Minecraft, make Elytra with durability 0?


Namely, I want that if I get over the command block an elytra, which breaks after landing (ie durability 0 or 1). Would be really cool!

PS: play the 1.13 and that with / give @p minecraft: elytra 1 (for the number) 1 (for durability) does not work anymore. Only / give @p minecraft: elytra 1


You can no longer specify the damage value as a number behind it, you have to define that in the NBT data:

/ give @p minecraft: elytra {Damage: 432} 1

Is an Elytra with zero durability left over. If you often need such things, I recommend the website https://mcstacker.net/, because you can easily generate that.

Hope that helps!


But if I have the Elytra on now I can't fly anymore


Okay… Habs have not tried it yet, but that's weird…

Maybe that was changed? I'm not sure. Do you have to check the internet?


've really looked up a lot but still thanks… XD


Do you have any idea what this could have to do with {OnGround: 1b}?


Nope, that's different. That says if a being is on the ground when OnGround: 1b, then the creature is on the ground.

But nevertheless I tried that with the Elytra. Does not go with me as well…