Minecraft server power ranks is not working?

- in Plugins

I have a Minecraft server and have installed the plugin Powerranks. The ranks I can easily create, but if I add a rank to someone he does not have the permissions I have given the rank. I would be very happy if someone could fix or tell me where the fault lies.



I upload the photos later


You have to add it to the surgery list so that it has rights, so to speak, then that would have to work with the rank as well


Thank you


@ZITRONENEISLP it still is not


@ZITRONENEISLP do you have ts3 or discord so you can help me better?


Left in the menu you will find the field player there you have to click on it, then 2 lists would have to appear: a whitelist and a OP list. At the OP list you must then add the name of your friend

P.S what is your server called?


@ ZITRONENEISLP he is called VampierRafie10_.aternos.me to join him on it had to write me private so I can open it (in the evening it takes most 30-50 with him until he is on because many people use free servers in the evening)


Kara modrenetor rank ma kasa color add kara