Minecraft signs can't be clicked?

- in Plugins

On my minecraft server you can no longer click on any signs, so which execute the commands, I once had a plugin on it that had prevented this, but that has been gone a little longer, what can I do? Is there something in any .yml file?


If you have put the signs on the worldspawn, you can't click on them with the spawn protection. If you don't have that, the plugin may not work properly or you may have misspelled it


No, has nothing to do with worldspawn, I have no plugin for it, I had one that prevented the sign from clicking, but that is now gone and I still can't click on signs, either with * rights or without


Okay, can you send me the plugin what you use for it?


This is the plugin that should prevent that in the past, but is now gone: https://spigotmc.org/resources/2ls-exploitfixer-professional-server-antiexploit.62842/


Have you already repositioned the signs?

I'm too lazy to look at the source code of the plugin, but maybe. Simply delete the click-on part from the NBT data of the signs. As a result, the signs would still not be clickable, even if the plugin is already gone.


Yes, i only placed the signs after i removed the plugin


Can you tell me how you got the signs? Perhaps it is not related to the plugin, but to the signs and the commands that are stored in the signs. Do you use a plugin for the signs?


Habs once with plugin and once tried without, both works on other servers of mine that have the ghlerivhe version