Remove Minecraft Plotsquared Signs?

- in Plugins

I have a Minecraft server and this server has the Plotsquared plugin.

Would it work because there are always so signs on the plots, you can deactivate or remove the signs in the config. If so, I would be happy about an answer


As far as I know, it doesn't work and makes little sense. The signs indicate whether a plot is free or occupied, and a occupied one contains the player's name and an ID. This ID can also be used for teleporting if you have not set a home. (if a player has permission to do so).

Plot signs can only be removed manually by the server operator.


Thank you just it is a little strange for me, because it generates signs only they are empty


Then study the config of plotsquared. But it may be that they are only labeled when someone gets the plot. I'm out of there.