Change GameMode with PlayerDeathEvent?

- in Plugins

I'm currently learning to code plugins for Minecraft with Java and would like to know how I can change the GameMode after a user dies? In the case of GameMode Spectator


With player # setGameMode (GameMode)

So like this:

player.setGameMode (GameMode.SPECTATOR);

I'm just not sure whether this already works in the PlayerDeathEvent or whether you should first call it in the PlayerRespawnEvent.


Ok thanks, but how can I implement that in the event?


First you get your player, let's start with the PlayerDeathEvent:

public void onDeath (PlayerDeathEvent event) {
Player player = event.getEntity ();

Then you just set the game mode for the player:

public void onDeath (PlayerDeathEvent event) {
Player player = event.getEntity ();

player.setGameMode (GameMode.SPECTATOR);

GameMode is an enum, i.e. You call it via GameMode. + the corresponding GameMode, e.g. CREATIVE, SPECTATOR or SURVIVAL.