Snowball with damage?

- in Plugins

I'm currently building a minecraft server. I want to do a snowball fight as a minigame but you should get damage if you get a snowball. Is there a plugin that does this? So I'm looking for a plugin which makes the snowballs do.



No idea if there's a plugin but there's a command!

It's from MCstacker

/ give PlayerNameHere minecraft: snowball 1 0 {AttributeModifiers: [{AttributeName: "generic.maxHealth", Name: "generic.maxHealth", Amount: 3, Operation: 0, UUIDLeast: 79554, UUIDMost: 619906}, {AttributeName: " generic.followRange ", Name:" generic.followRange ", Amount: 5, Operation: 0, UUIDLeast: 165723, UUIDMost: 713321, Slot:" mainhand "}, {AttributeName:" generic.knockbackResistance ", Name:" generic. KnockbackResistance ", Amount: 0, Operation: 0, UUIDLeast: 333197, UUIDMost: 246535}, {AttributeName:" generic.movementSpeed ", Name:" generic.movementSpeed ", Amount: 2, Operation: 0, UUIDLeast: 700040, UUIDMost: 613211}, {AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Name: "generic.attackDamage", Amount: 3, Operation: 0, UUIDLeast: 71486, UUIDMost: 59301}, {AttributeName: "generic.armor", Name: " generic.armor ", Amount: 0, Operation: 0, UUIDLeast: 35292, UUIDMost: 584128}, {AttributeName:" generic.attackSpeed ", Name:" generic.attackSpeed ", Amount: 2, Operation: 0, UUIDLeast: 19155 , UUIDMost: 637123}], display: {Name: "Schneeball"}}


Hello this command does not work, do I have to enter anything there? I've already written in Player Name here @a


This command must be executed via the command block


I have


The Player Name Here must be supplemented with @p