Minecraft snowballs with tnt?


I have a question: I play in 1.16.5 and I would like to create a snowball where the Andem, when it hits, tnt explodes and that it only summoned with a certain name. I've already tried / execute at @e [type = snowball, name = TntBall] run summon tnt. The principle itself works, but I don't know how to do it, that first of all it only spawns at the end, i.e. On impact, a tnt spawned and that with the name unfortunately doesn't work either.


Seems a bit more complicated. You need timers, scoreboards and that sort of thing for that.

Enter the command in a command block and execute it:

summon falling_block ~ ~ 1 ~ {BlockState: {Name: redstone_block}, Time: 1, Passengers: [{id: "minecraft: villager", CustomName: "\" Stack \ "", CustomNameVisible: 1, NoAI: 1b, PersistenceRequired: 1b, Health: 10, Attributes: [{Name: "generic.maxHealth", Base: -5}], Silent: 1, ActiveEffects: [{Id: 14, Amplifier: 0, Duration: 2147483647, ShowParticles: 0b} ], Passengers: [{id: falling_block, BlockState: {Name: activator_rail}, Time: 1, Passengers: [{id: command_block_minecart, Command: "gamerule commandBlockOutput false"}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command: "fill ~ 2 ~ -2 ~ -1 ~ 8 ~ ~ 2 white_concrete hollow "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command:" fill ~ 2 ~ -1 ~ -1 ~ 8 ~ -1 ~ 2 white_stained_glass replace white_concrete "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command: "/ tellraw @a [\" \ ", {\" text \ ": \" \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \ "}, {\" text \ ": \" [\ ", \" color \ ": \" dark_gray \ "}, {\" text \ ": \" Explosive Snowballs \ ", \" bold \ ": true, \" color \ ": \" white \ "}, {\ "text \": \ "] \", \ "color \": \ "dark_gray \"}, {\ "text \": \ "Welcome to the Explosive Snowballs machine! This machine was made by the CommandGeek, click \ ", \" color \ ": \" gray \ "}, {\" text \ ": \" HERE \ ", \" underlined \ ": true, \" color \ ": \" aqua \ ", \" clickEvent \ ": {\" action \ ": \" open_url \ ", \" value \ ": \" http://www.youtube.com/...ommandgeek" class="text-primary">http://www.youtube.com/...ommandgeek \ "}}, {\" text \ ": \" to view my Youtube Channel, for instructions on how to use this machine as well as a lot more content! \\ n \\ nTo destroy the machine when you are done, click the \ ", \" color \ ": \" gray \ "}, {\" text \ ": \" Destroy \ ", \" underlined \ ": true, \ "color \": \ "dark_red \"}, {\ "text \": \ "button! Hope you enjoy! \ ", \" Color \ ": \" gray \ "}, {\" text \ ": \" \\ n \ "}]"}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command: "setblock ~ 1 ~ -1 ~ 1 birch_wall_sign [facing = west] {Text1: \ "{\\\" text \\\ ": \\\" Made By \\\ ", \\\" color \\\ ": \\ \ "dark_gray \\\", \\\ "clickEvent \\\": {\\\ "action \\\": \\\ "run_command \\\", \\\ "value \\\": \ \\ "/ scoreboard players set @s SnowballSec 1 \\\"}, \\\ "bold \\\": true} \ ", Text2: \" {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "CommandGeek \\\", \\\ "color \\\": \\\ "dark_green \\\", \\\ "bold \\\": true} \ ", Text3: \" {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "\\\"} \ ", Text4: \" {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "[Youtube] \\\", \\\ " color \\\ ": \\\" dark_aqua \\\ ", \\\" bold \\\ ": true, \\\" underlined \\\ ": true} \"} "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command: "setblock ~ 1 ~ -1 ~ birch_wall_sign [facing = west] {Text1: \" {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "\\\"} \ ", Text2: \" { \\\ "text \\\": \\\ "Destroy Machine \\\", \\\ "color \\\": \\\ "dark_red \\\", \\\ "bold \\\": true, \\\ "underlined \\\": true} \ ", Text3: \" {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "(Right Click) \\\", \\\ " color \\\ ": \\\" gray \\\ "} \", Text4: \ "{\\\" text \\\ ": \\\" \\\ ", \\\" clickEvent \\ \ ": {\\\" action \\\ ": \\\ "run_command \\\", \\\ "value \\\": \\\ "fill ~ ~ -1 ~ -1 ~ 7 ~ 1 ~ 2 air \\\"}} \ "}"} , {id: command_block_minecart, Command: "fill ~ 3 ~ -1 ~ ~ 7 ~ -1 ~ 1 chain_command_block [facing = east]"}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command: "fill ~ 7 ~ -1 ~ 1 ~ 5 ~ -1 ~ 1 chain_command_block [facing = west] "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command:" setblock ~ 7 ~ -1 ~ chain_command_block [facing = south] "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command:" setblock ~ 3 ~ -1 ~ repeating_command_block [facing = east] "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command:" data merge block ~ 5 ~ -1 ~ 1 {auto: 1, Command: \ "/ scoreboard players set @a SnowballSec 0 \"} "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command:" data merge block ~ 6 ~ -1 ~ 1 {auto: 1, Command: \ "/ execute as @a [scores = {SnowballSec = 1}] run tellraw @a [\ \\ "\\\", {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "\\\\ n \\\"}, {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "[ \\\ ", \\\" color \\\ ": \\\" dark_gray \\\ "}, {\\\" text \\\ ": \\\" Explosive Snowballs \\\ ", \\ \ "bold \\\": true, \\\ "color \\\": \\\ "white \\\"}, {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "] \\\ ", \\\" color \\\ ": \\\" dark_gray \\\ "}, {\\\" text \\\ ": \\\" Click \\\ ", \\\ "color \\\": \\\ "gray \\\"}, {\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "HERE \\\", \\\ "underlined \\\ ": true, \\\" color \\\ ": \\\" aqua \\\ ", \\\" clickEvent \\\ ": {\\\" action \\\ ": \\\" open_url \\\ ", \\\" value \\\ ": \\\" http://www.youtube.com/commandgeek \\\ "}}, {\\\" text \\\ ": \\\" to view my Youtube Channel! \\ \ ", \\\" color \\\ ": \\\" gray \\\ "}, {\\\" text \\\ ": \\\" \\\\ n \\\ "}] \ "}"}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command: "data merge block ~ 7 ~ -1 ~ 1 {auto: 1, Command: \" / scoreboard players add @e [type = minecraft: snowball] SnowballSec 1 \ " } "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command:" data merge block ~ 7 ~ -1 ~ {auto: 1, Command: \ "/ scoreboard objectives add SnowballSec dummy \"} "}, {id: command_block_minecart, Command:" data merge block ~ 6 ~ -1 ~ {auto: 1, Command: \ "/ execute as @e [type = minecraft: snowball, scores = {SnowballSec = 5.}, nbt = {Item: {tag: {display: {Name: '{\\\ "text \\\": \\\ "Ultra Snowball \\\"}'}}}}] at @


Okay, I'll try.


So if I throw a snowball then somehow nothing happens: /


Tell me if it works


You have to rename the snowball in the anvil "Super Snowball" or "Ultra Snowball"


Oh, okeyyy, I'll try again.


It didn't work for me. Do you have a server or are you in a single player world? Because if you have a server with spigot I could quickly program a plugin for you, which gives you explosive snowballs. Then you just have to do that in the plugins folder and you're done.


So I'm doing that in a single player world right now, but I'm trying to do that so that I can later do it on a spigot server that I host myself on my pc. That with the plugin would be very correct.


Then I'll do it for you. Hardly knows anything about command blocks to be honest…


I still have a few questions about the plugin: Should it be in German or in English? And where do you plan to use it? Then I can better imagine the exact features it must have. I'm already programming.


So it should be in German, because I'm doing a smp rp server. So stop with the snowballs, if the name = TntWerfer, or something like that. Then maybe with a snowball called a fireball, moving a fireball straight ahead with motion ^. That would be really nice.


I do you. How big should the explosion be? Just like regular TNT? The explosion with fire or without?


Better just like normal sound and without fire.




How long does it take if I may ask?


So, I'm done with the plugin. You can download it with this link: https://www.dropbox.com/...T.jar?dl=1 If you still have suggestions for improvement, just write and I'll change that. You have to call the snowball "TNT thrower" and the fireball "fire thrower". Have fun.


Yo, thank you very much! That is very correct of you. It can't be taken for granted. If I can thank you in any way, please let me know.


Oh, I like to do that. I enjoy programming and if I can still help someone with it, that's perfect.


Haha awesome okay. Do you like to teach me that somehow? I would like to learn a little myself so that I can sometimes just have a say and do some smaller projects myself. You don't have to, but it might be nice xD


I've just tried it and it just works really well! That is just ehct mega correct from you, I just miss the words.


Yes I could. The majority, however, is to gain experience yourself. To start with, I can warmly recommend the I started that two and a half years ago. Do you have discord? If so, say your name and tag then I'll add you.


I'm glad that you are happy.


Yes of course I have Discord! My name is JustNoOne_ # 6111: D


On Youtube.


Can you send me the link from the video?