I accidentally set a barrier with a plugin from my server and can no longer get to my house so my question is how I can get this away
The blue is the barrier and I can't figure it out
which command do I have to enter for this?
It depends on which plugin you used to set the barrier, but if you set it with the / worldborder command, just do / worldborder set and a large number, you won't be able to remove it completely
Hey maybe you remove the plugin Lg
First of all, you have to know which plugin does that. It can be worldguard, worldborder or something completely different. Next, go to the instructions for the plugins online, where all commands are explained in detail. It is often useful to simply delete the whole region, then the border goes away with it. Think about whether you need the plugin at all, you could just delete it.
This is dirty programming. I'm pretty sure there's a clear command.
/ worldborder center 0 0
/ worldborder set 30000000
Don't think that this will reset you worldborder.
With the plugin, if it is not written by yourself, there's certainly a description with commands
It wasn't like that either
It worked, thanks
No thing