I want to write a plugin, but if I have something with the code:
public static void paste (int [] [] [] blocks, byte [] [] [] blocks_byte, location l) { for (int y = 0; y for (intz = 0; z } copy and place it from the plugin and then teleport me there, the TNT does not work the way it should, but if I 40000 away from the formation tp the TNT goes back to normal. So that with "it should actually go" I mean: Place TNT (Correct) My question is how to fix this? And what else I suppose so because I can't explain it where else it can lay. Version: 1.11.2 Plugin: only mine
for (int x = 0; x
new.add (x, y, z);
Block b = new.getBlock ();
if (blocks [x] [y] [z]! = 0) {
b.setTypeId (blocks [x] [y] [z]);
b.setData (blocks_byte [x] [y] [z]);
if (b.getLocation (). GetChunk (). IsLoaded () == false) {
. B.getLocation () Getchunk () load ();
System.out.println ( "s");
System.out.println ( "a");
TNT Ignite (Error) The TNT simply places itself in the middle of 4 blocks rather than standing on a block.
Should the TNT ignite immediately after putting?
If so, I could help you if no, I'd have to take a look
Habs now understood you want the TnT placed in the middle of 4 blocks
But you can't find any error in the console or if so send it
No I just do not want it is just like that and I want to have it back to normal.
No I get no error in the console
Yes that's a bug or something, but only if I do that with the plugin
Please try to formulate your question again understandable, the word salad makes little sense.
The function you are showing inserts blocks, what else should they do?