What to do if, when downloading OptiFine, the file is not assigned a program to carry out this action?


I wanted to download Optifine today and have a problem. I go to the website and download the 1.8 OptiFine version that I have in Minecraft. First there's a message: Files of this type can cause damage to your PC but still keep OptiFine_1.8? And then two options with ok and cancel when I click on ok download it and then when I want to open it a message comes with: The file is not assigned an app to carry out this action. Install an app or create a mapping on the default apps settings page if an app is already installed.

I don't know what to do, please for help.


You must have the latest version of Java installed on your computer

(=> https://www.java.com/...download/)


Try a different version of Optifine and another version of Minecraft, unless that's the only version you play


Thank you very much.


Thank you very much.


No problemmooo