Known on Youtube?


I've been doing Minecraft YouTube for a few weeks now. But somehow it doesn't go on properly - my videos get practically no views and likes are a long time coming anyway. Maybe someone can give me a good tip on how I can make myself better known…



There are a lot of people who do YouTube that is the problem

But my tip: never give up, even if it sounds clumsy!


Carry on like this you will be successful with some it is faster and with some slower and the videos have to captivate the viewer so that he does not switch off again immediately


You're doing it for a week, your latest video isn't that bad at all.

But don't play minecraft myself, so I'm not interested myself.

But think that the algorithm first has to pay attention to you. The best way to do this is to actively share the videos with people on social media.


- Shorter videos (max. 9 minutes)

-To make thumbnails more professional

- Make profile picture and channel banners better

- Touch up sound quality

And keep going, making a lot of videos and at some point you could get bigger. It took PewDiePie 1 year to crack 100 subscriptions and today he has 109 million.


Besides, you haven't been doing this for so long, be patient.


As for the thumbnail, how should I do it better?


How do you mean that I can do this?


Make it look more professional. Tell me the topic for the next video and I'll give you an example of how you could do the whole thing better (but I'm not a professional myself)


Well, actually I wanted to continue the Skyblock project - but actually, even large Youtube often only make a screen at some point in the recording and put their webcam next to it


Alright, I'll give you an example. But it's all a matter of practice.


Do you already have a title to which I can refer the thumbnail?


I will write to you when I have recorded the video for today ok? Do that in half an hour


By the way, you can tell me what you mean by sound quality - so how should I improve it?


If you create thumbnails with the Mine-Imator program, they are much better.

and as strange as it sounds, if you say "Please like and subscribe" at the beginning of the video, you will get more likes and subscriptions


Did you already manage it


I definitely agree with the recommendations. You will also need a lot of staying power if you want to grow organically on YouTube. Alternatively, you can of course place ads as soon as you feel that you have enough content to offer.

With YouTube Ads you will of course get more viewers instantly.