Can I also play Minecraft on a MacBook?

- in Servers

So I think about getting a MacBook Pro because I think it's cool and my laptop that I have now is older and always overheated and is super slow and crashes.

Now my question. Can I play Minecraft on my MacBook Pro? Because play that always and yes. Is that possible?
And which one should I take? 13 inches or 16?

Thanks (if someone says wants to our Minecraft server)


If you don't have to rely on MacOS, I definitely advise you not to buy a Macbook. With a Windows laptop you get significantly more performance for a fraction of the price


If price isn't an issue, then I'd buy a MacBook Pro.

Minecraft Java Edition is also available for Mac OS: After installation and start, simply log in with your Minecraft account.

First you have to install Java for Mac OS: This is OpenJDK JRE, the open source version of Java. It is 100% compatible with Oracle Java