Connect multiple VServers to each other (Minecraft Server)?

- in Servers

I own a V-server from Strato and would like to create a minigame server for this server. My V-server has 60 GB of ram and 1 GB of internet.

For a minigame server I plan 40 game modes and 10 lobbies.

So that the RAM is not overloaded by my V-server, I would like to ask whether it is possible to connect 2 - 3 V-servers with each other. Then the players who join the IP should land on a V-server (lobby network) and join a different Vserver for minigames! And so on! Would it be possible somehow and what do I have to do for it.

I thank you for your answer 😀


Can you do with bungee, one server is the distributor, which then solder the other servers together